BG Snapshot


BG Snapshot is a multipurpose tool for board gamers. Stay up-to-date on new releases, see what's hot, read the latest articles, and watch video reviews. Best of all, BG Snapshot has built-in AI that can recognize board games using your camera! Use it to manage your board game collection, find hidden gems in the aisles of your local game store, and gather intel at your favorite convention!


  • A powerful computer vision AI system capable of recognizing over 10,000 boardgames

  • Collection management with optional syncing with BoardGameGeek (highly recommended)

  • A customizable news feed for browsing the hotness, discovering new releases, watching videos, and reading reviews from BGG


Universal support for iPad, iPad mini, iPhone and iPod touch*requires iOS 7.0 or higher
  • iOS 14.0 or higher

  • support for ARKit (iOS devices with an A9 or later processor)

  • iOS device models 2017 or newer recommended

Explore the world of board games

Manage your collection

Enhanced with powerful AI

  • BG Snapshot is not affiliated or endorsed by BoardGameGeek. Data for BG Snapshot is powered by the API from Sudden changes or a loss of service from BGG may temporarily break parts of this app. As such DabblingBadger cannot guarantee indefinite functionality of BG Snapshot.